The Sky's the Limit

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Today's post has virtually nothing to do with tea so apologies to anyone in need of something more relevant. It's just that two things of note have happened to us recently that we can't resist sharing.

The first thing involves a crane. A company near our office who we know quite well was testing out its brand new crane the other day. And we let them use our car park to do it. When they offered us the chance to go up and take photos, we leapt at the chance to get a shot of the Yorkshire Tea factory from high in the sky.

Now, this in itself meant we had a piccie to share, but before we got round to doing that we found about something called Tiltshifting - if you're into photography and design you'll probably know all about it, but it was news to us and we couldn't resist having a play with it. The result, this strange toytown-like image of Taylors, is below. Weird, isn't it?

Taylors Tiltshift

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