The 480 Face

Posted in Our Customers.

When fans of a proper brew touch an extra large pack of Yorkshire Tea, something special happens. As their fingers come into contact with the outside of the bag, their brain simultaneously imagines every one of the brews it contains inside. The result: sheer, overwhelming delight.

We call it the 480 Face, because our packs of 480 tea bags were the first to be observed causing this effect. But, as our gallery above demonstrates, it happens with larger packs too. We'd like to thank Dave, Lauren, Andy, Debbie, Jacob, Suzie, Julia, Ritchie and Victoria for sending us the pictures.

Where can you get hold of these mighty packs? Right now you'll need a cash and carry card, as they're available at Costco and Booker. It would be nice if you could get them everywhere, but in a way the rarity adds to the mystique.

If you've experienced the 480 Face, please take a picture and send it our way – you can catch us on Twitter and Facebook.

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