Meet Our New Tea Buyers!

Posted in Tales From Our Tea Buyers.

Henry & Simon We've recently just added two new faces to our team of tea buying experts, so we though we'd introduce them to you.

On the left is Henry, our new trainee tea buyer. Henry applied for the job because of his brother, who spotted a piece on local news programme Look North. The news report revealed that we were looking for someone to come and taste tea all day and Henry's brother thought that sounded perfect!

"I was really interested in how unique the job sounded," says Henry,"and I liked the prospect of eventually getting to visit tea growing countries around the world."

Simon, meanwhile, has been working in the tea business for five years already. He got into it when he started as an engineer at a beverages company and then got an opportunity to move across into the tea buying side.

"Being a tea buyer at Taylors appealed to me because of the quality of the products here, and the company's ethical stance," says Simon.

We hope you'll join us in wishing them all the best here at Taylors. Welcome aboard gents!

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